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时间: 2024-09-20 14:01:00


1. I don't love you anymore. (我不再爱你了。)

2. I don't eat meat anymore. (我不再吃肉了。)

3. I can't trust him anymore. (我再也无法相信他了。)

4. I don't go to that restaurant anymore. (我不再去那家餐厅了。)

5. She doesn't live here anymore. (她不再住在这里了。)

6. I don't have time for that anymore. (我再也没有时间做那件事了。)

7. I don't wear high heels anymore. (我不再穿高跟鞋了。)

8. I don't drink soda anymore. (我不再喝苏打水了。)

9. I don't watch TV anymore. (我不再看电视了。)

10. She doesn't work here anymore. (她不再在这里工作了。)

11. I don't talk to him anymore. (我不再和他说话了。)

12. I don't play video games anymore. (我不再玩电子游戏了。)

13. I don't care about that anymore. (我对那件事不再在乎了。)

14. I don't stay up late anymore. (我不再熬夜了。)

15. I don't use that app anymore. (我不再用那个应用了。)

16. I don't take the bus anymore. (我不再坐公交车了。)

17. I don't buy fast food anymore. (我不再买快餐了。)

18. I don't listen to that band anymore. (我不再听那个乐队的音乐了。)

19. I don't take on extra work anymore. (我不再接受额外的工作了。)

20. I don't visit that website anymore. (我不再访问那个网站了。)

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