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时间: 2024-09-20 10:02:51


1. I had to beg for forgiveness after I made a mistake.(我不得不请求原谅,因为我犯了一个错误。)

2. The homeless man had to beg for food on the streets.(那个无家可归的人不得不在街上乞讨食物。)

3. I beg of you, please reconsider your decision.(我请求你,请重新考虑你的决定。)

4. She had to beg her parents for permission to go to the concert.(她不得不请求父母允许她去听音乐会。)

5. The puppy would beg for treats by sitting up on its hind legs.(小狗会坐在后腿上乞求零食。)

6. I beg your pardon, I didn't mean to offend you.(请您原谅,我并不是有意冒犯您。)

7. The beggar would often beg outside the grocery store.(那个乞丐经常在杂货店外乞讨。)

8. She had to beg for a second chance after failing the test.(她不得不请求再给她一次机会,因为她考试没通过。)

9. The child would beg for a bedtime story before going to sleep.(孩子会在睡觉前乞求听一个睡前故事。)

10. I beg you, please help me with this problem.(我请求你,请帮我解决这个问题。)

11. The beggar's sign said, "Will work for food."(那个乞丐的牌子上写着“愿意为食物工作”。)

12. I beg of you, don't leave me alone in this situation.(我请求你,不要让我在这种情况下独自一人。)

13. The dog would beg for attention by nudging its owner with its nose.(狗会用鼻子挤着主人来乞求关注。)

14. The beggar's cup was empty, indicating he hadn't received much help that day.(那个乞丐的杯子是空的,说明他那天没得到什么帮助。)

15. Please, I beg of you, let me explain before you jump to conclusions.(拜托,我请求你,在你下结论之前让我解释一下。)

16. The child would beg for a toy every time they went to the store.(孩子每次去商店都会乞求一件玩具。)

17. I beg your indulgence, but could you please turn down the music?(拜托您的体谅,但您能把音乐声音调小一点吗?)

18. The beggar would beg for spare change at the subway station.(那个乞丐会在地铁站乞讨零钱。)

19. I beg of you, please don't tell anyone about this.(我请求你,请别告诉任何人这件事。)

20. The stray cat would beg for food by meowing at people passing by.(那只流浪猫会通过对路人喵喵叫来乞求食物。)

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