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时间: 2024-09-21 10:22:59


1. The biologist studied the behavior of the ants in their natural habitat.


2. The biologist discovered a new species of butterfly in the rainforest.


3. The biologist's research on marine life has led to important discoveries about ocean ecosystems.


4. The biologist is conducting experiments to better understand the effects of climate change on plant species.


5. The biologist's passion for conservation drives her to protect endangered species.


6. The biologist specializes in studying the genetics of different animal species.


7. The biologist's fieldwork involves observing and documenting the behavior of birds in their natural habitats.


8. The biologist's research on plant pollination has important implications for agriculture.


9. The biologist is collaborating with other scientists to study the impact of pollution on aquatic ecosystems.


10. The biologist's expertise in biochemistry has helped advance our understanding of cellular processes.


11. 生物学家正在进行实验,以研究新药对人类健康的潜在益处。

(The biologist is conducting experiments to study the potential benefits of a new drug for human health.)

12. 这位生物学家专门研究植物的繁殖方式。

(The biologist specializes in studying the reproductive methods of plants.)

13. 生物学家们正在合作研究动物的迁徙模式。

(Biologists are collaborating to study the migration patterns of animals.)

14. 这位生物学家的发现对环境保护工作有着重要的影响。

(The biologist's discoveries have had a significant impact on conservation efforts.)

15. 生物学家们正在研究海洋生态系统中的食物链。

(Biologists are studying the food chain in marine ecosystems.)

16. 这位生物学家的研究有助于了解疾病的传播途径。

(The biologist's research helps to understand the transmission pathways of diseases.)

17. 生物学家们正在研究动植物之间的共生关系。

(Biologists are studying the symbiotic relationship between animals and plants.)

18. 这位生物学家的实验表明,植物生长受到土壤中微生物的影响。

(The biologist's experiments show that plant growth is influenced by microorganisms in the soil.)

19. 生物学家们正在研究气候变化对生态系统的影响。

(Biologists are studying the impact of climate change on ecosystems.)

20. 这位生物学家对动物行为的研究有助于保护濒危物种。

(The biologist's research on animal behavior helps in the conservation of endangered species.)

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