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时间: 2024-09-20 14:27:26


1. The explosion caused a blast that shattered windows for blocks around.(爆炸引起的冲击波使周围几个街区的窗户都破碎了。)

2. The music at the concert was so loud, it felt like a blast of sound hitting me in the chest.(音乐会上的音乐声音太大了,感觉就像一股声音冲撞到我的胸口。)

3. The miners were trapped underground after a blast caused a cave-in.(矿工们被困在地下,因为一次爆炸引起了坍塌。)

4. The fireworks display ended with a spectacular blast of color in the sky.(烟火表演以天空中绚丽的彩色爆炸结束。)

5. The blast from the cannon could be heard for miles around.(大炮的爆炸声在几英里之外都能听到。)

6. The blast of cold air hit me as soon as I opened the freezer door.(一打开冰箱门,一股冷风就直接袭来。)

7. The blast of wind knocked me off balance as I was walking along the beach.(一阵狂风把我吹得失去平衡,当时我正在沙滩上走路。)

8. The bomb blast destroyed the entire building, leaving nothing but rubble.(炸弹爆炸摧毁了整栋建筑,只剩下了一片废墟。)

9. The sudden blast of laughter from the audience caught the comedian off guard.(观众突然发出的爆笑声让喜剧演员措手不及。)

10. The blast of heat from the oven made me step back quickly to avoid getting burned.(烤箱里传出的热浪让我迅速后退,以免被烫伤。)

11. Scientists conducted a controlled blast to study the effects of explosions on different materials.(科学家进行了一次受控爆炸实验,以研究爆炸对不同材料的影响。)

12. The blast of flavor from the spicy dish made my taste buds tingle.(那道辛辣菜肴传来的浓郁味道让我的味蕾感到刺痛。)

13. The blast of wind nearly knocked me over as I opened the car door.(一阵狂风几乎把我刮倒了,当时我正在打开车门。)

14. The bomb squad was called in to defuse the potential blast in the abandoned building.(爆炸小组被召集来拆除废弃建筑中潜在的爆炸物。)

15. The sudden blast of rain caught everyone at the outdoor event by surprise.(突然的大雨让所有参加户外活动的人都感到惊讶。)

16. The blast of wind whipped through the trees, causing the branches to sway wildly.(狂风呼啸而过,使树枝疯狂摇摆。)

17. The blast of energy from the caffeine in the coffee woke me up instantly.(咖啡因带来的能量爆发瞬间让我清醒过来。)

18. The blast of applause filled the auditorium as the performer took a bow.(演员谢幕时,掌声如雷震耳。)

19. The blast of music from the concert could be heard from blocks away.(音乐会上传出的音乐声在几个街区之外都能听到。)

20. The sudden blast of wind extinguished the candles on the table.(突然的狂风把桌子上的蜡烛都吹灭了。)

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