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时间: 2024-09-20 17:01:52


1. Please write your name on the board. 请在黑板上写下你的名字。

2. The board of directors will meet tomorrow to discuss the company's future plans. 董事会将于明天开会讨论公司的未来计划。

3. I need to buy a new cutting board for the kitchen. 我需要为厨房买一个新的砧板。

4. The students were asked to brainstorm ideas on the white board. 学生们被要求在白板上集思广益。

5. The surfers waited for the perfect wave to catch on their boards. 冲浪者们在他们的冲浪板上等待完美的浪潮。

6. The board game was a hit at the party. 桌游在派对上大受欢迎。

7. The company posted a notice on the board about the upcoming holiday schedule. 公司在公告板上张贴了关于即将到来的假期安排的通知。

8. The flight was announced on the departure board. 航班在出发信息牌上宣布。

9. The skiers strapped on their boards and headed down the mountain. 滑雪者们系上他们的雪板,滑下山去。

10. The teacher used the board to illustrate a complex math problem. 老师用黑板来阐述一个复杂的数学问题。

11. The company's board of directors approved the new budget. 公司的董事会批准了新的预算。

12. The board of trustees oversees the management of the university. 董事会监督大学的管理工作。

13. The skateboarder performed a trick on the half-pipe ramp. 滑板手在半管坡道上表演了一个技巧。

14. The CEO presented the annual report to the board. CEO向董事会呈报了年度报告。

15. The bulletin board in the office is used to post important announcements. 办公室的公告板用于发布重要通知。

16. The company is looking to add new members to its advisory board. 公司正在寻找新的成员加入其咨询委员会。

17. The snowboarder glided down the mountain with ease. 滑雪者轻松地滑下山。

18. The committee will review the applications and make a recommendation to the board. 委员会将审查申请并向董事会提出建议。

19. The cork board in the kitchen is used to display family photos. 厨房里的软木板用于展示家庭照片。

20. The chess board is set up for a game between the two grandmasters. 棋盘已准备好两位大师之间的比赛。

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