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时间: 2024-09-21 02:15:38


在英语单词中,antecedent 这个词根代表着"先前的,前面的"的意思。它常常出现在各种词汇中,赋予单词以时间先后或位置先后的含义。下面让我们来看看一些常见的包含 antecedent 词根的单词,以及它们的具体含义:

1. Antecedent (n.):先前的事物,前因,前驱。如"The antecedent of this problem can be traced back to last year's budget cuts."(这个问题的前因可以追溯到去年的预算削减。)

2. Antecedence (n.):先前性,优先性。如"The judge took into account the antecedence of the defendant's criminal record."(法官考虑了被告之前犯罪记录的优先性。)

3. Antecedent (adj.):先前的,前面的。如"The antecedent conditions were not met before the project could begin."(在项目开始之前,先前的条件并未满足。)

4. Antedate (v.):早于,先于。如"The ancient ruins antedate the founding of the city by several centuries."(这些古老的遗址比这座城市的建立早几个世纪。)

5. Anticipate (v.):预期,预料。从字面上看,anticipate意味着"在前面抓住",即提前做好准备。如"The manager anticipated the increase in demand and ordered extra inventory."(这位经理预料到了需求的增加,因此订购了额外的库存。)

6. Predecessor (n.):前任,前辈。如"The policies implemented by my predecessor have had a lasting impact on the company."(我前任实施的政策对公司产生了持久的影响。)

7. Precedent (n.):先例,前例。如"This case sets a new legal precedent for how such disputes should be handled."(这个案例为处理此类争议确立了新的法律先例。)

8. Preface (n.):前言。如"The preface of the book provides helpful context for understanding the main text."(这本书的前言为理解正文提供了有用的背景信息。)

9. Preliminary (adj.):初步的,预备的。如"The preliminary findings of the study suggest that the new treatment is effective."(这项研究的初步结果表明,这种新疗法是有效的。)

10. Premise (n.):前提,基础。如"The premise of the argument is that all people are created equal."(这个论点的前提是所有人生而平等。)

综上所述,antecedent这个词根赋予单词以时间先后或位置先后的含义,帮助我们表达事物的前因后果、先后顺序等概念。掌握这些常见的以 antecedent 为词根的单词,有助于我们更好地理解和使用英语。

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