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时间: 2024-09-21 07:32:30


1. The spy wore a cloak to conceal his identity.


2. The magician used a cloak to perform his disappearing act.


3. She wrapped herself in a warm cloak to protect against the cold.


4. The company used a cloak of secrecy to hide their new product development.


5. The old wizard's cloak was tattered and worn from years of use.


6. The thief used a cloak of invisibility to sneak into the castle.


7. She felt a sense of security when she wrapped herself in her grandmother's cloak.


8. The cloak of darkness provided the perfect cover for the nighttime raid.


9. The politician used a cloak of charm to win over the voters.


10. The cloak of mystery surrounding the ancient artifact intrigued archaeologists.


11. The queen's cloak was adorned with jewels and precious metals.


12. The superhero's cloak billowed behind him as he flew through the air.


13. The cloak of deceit was finally lifted, revealing the truth.


14. She used her cheerful demeanor as a cloak to hide her inner turmoil.


15. The cloak of authority gave him the power to make important decisions.


16. The cloak of night provided cover for the escapees as they fled from the prison.


17. The cloak of humility made her approachable and relatable to others.


18. The cloak of suspicion hung over the small town after the mysterious disappearance.


19. The cloak of ignorance prevented her from seeing the truth.


20. The cloak of fear kept the villagers indoors during the storm.


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