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时间: 2024-09-20 17:11:08


1. She spent hours trying to crack the code and access the secure file.(她花了几个小时试图破解密码并访问安全文件。)

2. The students were given a secret code to decipher as part of their homework assignment.(学生们被分配了一个秘密代码,作为他们的家庭作业的一部分。)

3. The dress code for the event was formal attire.(活动的着装要求是正式服装。)

4. The spy used a secret code to communicate with his contact in the field.(间谍使用秘密代码与外地的联系人进行通讯。)

5. The programmers worked together to debug the code and fix any errors.(程序员们一起工作,调试代码并修复任何错误。)

6. The barista entered the discount code to apply the promotion to the customer's order.(咖啡师输入了折扣代码,将促销应用到客户的订单中。)

7. The criminal gang used a complex code to communicate their illegal activities without being detected.(犯罪团伙使用复杂的代码进行通讯,以便在不被察觉的情况下进行非法活动。)

8. The security guard had to memorize a series of codes to access different areas of the building.(保安必须记住一系列代码,以便进入建筑物的不同区域。)

9. The musician composed a beautiful piece of music using Morse code as inspiration.(音乐家用莫尔斯电码作为灵感,创作了一首美丽的音乐作品。)

10. The encryption code was so advanced that even experts struggled to decrypt it.(加密代码非常先进,即使专家也难以解密。)

11. Our company's dress code requires employees to dress professionally at all times.(我们公司的着装要求员工随时穿着职业装。)

12. The secret agent used a codebook to translate the coded messages he received.(特工使用密码本来翻译他收到的加密信息。)

13. The software engineer wrote a complex code to automate the data analysis process.(软件工程师编写了复杂的代码来自动化数据分析过程。)

14. The scientist cracked the genetic code and made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of biology.(科学家破译了基因密码,并在生物学领域取得了突破性发现。)

15. The barista scanned the QR code on the customer's phone to process the payment.(咖啡师扫描了客户手机上的二维码来处理付款。)

16. The students had to memorize a code of conduct before going on their field trip.(学生们在参加实地考察之前必须记住一套行为准则。)

17. The hacker managed to breach the security system by exploiting a vulnerability in the code.(黑客利用代码中的漏洞成功入侵了安全系统。)

18. The artist used Morse code to incorporate a hidden message into her painting.(艺术家使用莫尔斯电码将隐藏信息融入她的画作中。)

19. The company implemented a new dress code policy that required employees to wear business casual attire.(公司实施了一项新的着装政策,要求员工穿着商务休闲服装。)

20. The spy left a coded message for his contact to pick up at the designated location.(间谍留下了一条密码信息,让他的联系人在指定地点取走。)

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