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时间: 2024-09-21 07:39:11


1. The mafioso ordered a hit on his rival, leading to a bloody turf war.(黑手党分子下令对他的竞争对手进行袭击,导致了一场血腥的地盘争夺战。)

2. The mafioso was known for his ruthless tactics and iron-fisted control over the neighborhood.(这位黑手党分子以其无情的手段和铁腕控制着这个社区而闻名。)

3. The police finally managed to capture the elusive mafioso after years of investigation.(经过多年的调查,警方终于设法逮捕了这位难以捉摸的黑手党分子。)

4. The mafioso's power and influence extended far beyond the city limits.(这位黑手党分子的权力和影响力远远超出了城市的范围。)

5. The mafioso's lavish lifestyle was funded by illegal activities and extortion.(这位黑手党分子奢华的生活方式是由非法活动和勒索所资助的。)

6. The mafioso's operation was finally dismantled by a coordinated effort between law enforcement agencies.(经过执法机构的协调努力,这位黑手党分子的活动终于被摧毁了。)

7. The mafioso maintained a network of informants and enforcers to protect his interests.(这位黑手党分子保持了一支通报者和执行者的网络,以保护他的利益。)

8. The mafioso's underlings carried out his orders without question, fearing the consequences of disobedience.(这位黑手党分子的手下毫无疑问地执行他的命令,害怕不服从的后果。)

9. The mafioso was rumored to have connections with high-ranking politicians and officials.(传言这位黑手党分子与高级政客和官员有着联系。)

10. The mafioso's rise to power was marked by a trail of violence and intimidation.(这位黑手党分子的权力崛起伴随着一连串的暴力和恐吓。)

11. The mafioso's control over the local businesses was absolute, demanding a cut of their profits in exchange for protection.(这位黑手党分子对当地企业的控制是绝对的,要求他们的利润的一部分来换取保护。)

12. The mafioso's reign of terror came to an end when he was finally brought to justice by law enforcement.(这位黑手党分子的恐怖统治在他最终被执法部门绳之以法时结束了。)

13. The mafioso's extravagant lifestyle was funded by illegal activities and extortion.(这位黑手党分子奢华的生活方式是由非法活动和勒索所资助的。)

14. The mafioso's influence extended into the highest levels of government, allowing him to operate with impunity.(这位黑手党分子的影响力延伸到政府的最高层,使他可以毫无顾忌地行事。)

15. The mafioso's operation was finally dismantled by a coordinated effort between law enforcement agencies.(经过执法机构的协调努力,这位黑手党分子的活动终于被摧毁了。)

16. The mafioso maintained a network of informants and enforcers to protect his interests.(这位黑手党分子保持了一支通报者和执行者的网络,以保护他的利益。)

17. The mafioso's underlings carried out his orders without question, fearing the consequences of disobedience.(这位黑手党分子的手下毫无疑问地执行他的命令,害怕不服从的后果。)

18. The mafioso was rumored to have connections with high-ranking politicians and officials.(传言这位黑手党分子与高级政客和官员有着联系。)

19. The mafioso's rise to power was marked by a trail of violence and intimidation.(这位黑手党分子的权力崛起伴随着一连串的暴力和恐吓。)

20. The mafioso's control over the local businesses was absolute, demanding a cut of their profits in exchange for protection.(这位黑手党分子对当地企业的控制是绝对的,要求他们的利润的一部分来换取保护。)

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