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时间: 2024-09-20 10:01:43


1. The colors of the sunset began to fade as night fell. 夕阳的颜色在夜幕降临时开始褪色。

2. The memories of her childhood slowly began to fade from her mind. 她儿时的回忆慢慢从她的脑海中消逝。

3. His once bright red t-shirt had faded to a pale pink after so many washes. 他曾经鲜艳的红色T恤在多次洗涤后褪色成淡粉色。

4. The music gradually faded into the distance as the concert came to an end. 音乐渐渐在演唱会结束时淡出了远方。

5. The once bustling town had faded into a ghost town after the factory closed down. 工厂关闭后,曾经繁华的小镇变成了一座鬼城。

6. The ink on the old document had started to fade, making it difficult to read. 古老文件上的墨水开始褪色,使得难以阅读。

7. The fame of the celebrity began to fade after a series of scandals. 这位名人在一连串丑闻后名声开始黯淡。

8. The flower's vibrant colors began to fade as it wilted. 花朵枯萎时,它的鲜艳颜色开始褪去。

9. The sunlight gradually faded as the storm clouds rolled in. 阳光逐渐褪去,暴风云滚滚而来。

10. The memories of their love began to fade with time. 随着时间流逝,他们的爱情记忆开始淡去。

11. The once popular trend slowly faded into obscurity. 曾经风靡一时的潮流慢慢消失在了无人问津中。

12. The old photograph had faded with age, making it hard to see the faces clearly. 老照片因年代久远而褪色,使得难以清晰看到脸孔。

13. The sound of the music faded into the background as the conversation continued. 音乐声逐渐淡出背景,随着谈话的进行。

14. The excitement of the crowd began to fade as the game went into overtime. 随着比赛进入加时赛,人群的兴奋情绪开始消退。

15. His interest in the hobby faded as he grew older. 随着年龄增长,他对这项爱好的兴趣逐渐消退。

16. The once sharp lines of the drawing had faded over time. 随着时间的推移,图画的线条逐渐模糊。

17. The scent of the flowers slowly faded as they wilted. 鲜花在凋谢时,芬芳的香味慢慢消散。

18. The cheers of the crowd faded into silence as the performer left the stage. 演员离开舞台后,观众的欢呼声渐渐沉寂。

19. The once powerful empire eventually faded into history. 曾经强大的帝国最终消逝在历史长河中。

20. The sunlight began to fade as the day turned to dusk. 阳光在黄昏降临时开始消失。

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