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时间: 2024-09-20 11:42:15


1. The grass is green after the rain. (雨后草地变得绿油油的。)

2. I love the green color of this dress. (我喜欢这件衣服的绿色。)

3. The green leaves rustled in the breeze. (绿叶在微风中沙沙作响。)

4. She likes to eat green vegetables for dinner. (她喜欢晚餐吃绿色蔬菜。)

5. The environmentalist is passionate about protecting green spaces. (环保主义者热衷于保护绿地。)

6. The green light means you can go. (绿灯表示你可以前行。)

7. The company is committed to green initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. (该公司致力于绿色倡议,以减少其环境影响。)

8. The green hills stretched out as far as the eye could see. (绿色的山丘一直延伸到眼睛所能及的地方。)

9. The green tea is famous for its health benefits. (绿茶以其健康益处而闻名。)

10. The green car is more fuel-efficient than the red one. (这辆绿色的车比红色的更省油。)

11. The green apple is tart and crisp. (青苹果又酸又脆。)

12. The new housing development aims to incorporate more green spaces. (新的住宅开发计划旨在增加更多绿色空间。)

13. The environmentalist planted trees to help restore the greenery in the area. (环保主义者种树以帮助恢复该地区的绿色植被。)

14. The green hillsides were dotted with colorful wildflowers. (绿色的山坡上点缀着五彩斑斓的野花。)

15. The company is working on developing more eco-friendly, green products. (该公司正在努力开发更多环保、绿色产品。)

16. The green energy industry is growing rapidly. (绿色能源产业正在迅速发展。)

17. The green-eyed monster of jealousy reared its head. (嫉妒的绿眼怪兽露出了头。)

18. The green salad is a refreshing addition to the meal. (绿色沙拉是一餐中清爽的一道菜。)

19. The green iguana is a popular pet reptile. (绿鬣蜥是一种受欢迎的宠物爬行动物。)

20. The green light on the traffic signal indicates that it's safe to cross the street. (交通信号灯上的绿灯表示可以安全地过马路。)

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