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时间: 2024-09-20 13:00:25


1. The informality of the gathering allowed everyone to feel comfortable and relaxed.


2. The informality of the office culture was a refreshing change from my previous job.


3. The informality of the event meant that guests could come and go as they pleased.


4. I appreciate the informality of our relationship, it makes it easier to communicate openly.


5. The informality of the dress code allowed people to express their personal style.


6. I enjoy the informality of dining at this restaurant, it feels like eating at a friend's house.


7. The informality of the meeting made it easier for everyone to share their ideas.


8. The informality of the interview process put me at ease and allowed me to be myself.


9. The informality of the event meant that there were no strict schedules or agendas to follow.


10. I appreciate the informality of the neighborhood, it feels like a close-knit community.


11. The informality of the ceremony allowed for a more personal and intimate experience.


12. The informality of the party meant that everyone could relax and have a good time.


13. The informality of the dress code at the office made it easier for employees to express themselves.


14. The informality of the situation made it difficult to gauge the seriousness of the conversation.


15. I appreciate the informality of this restaurant, it feels welcoming and relaxed.


16. The informality of the classroom environment allowed for more open discussions and interactions.


17. The informality of the event meant that there were no strict rules or regulations to follow.


18. I enjoy the informality of the company culture, it allows for more creativity and innovation.


19. The informality of the meeting allowed for a more relaxed and casual atmosphere.


20. The informality of the relationship between the boss and employees created a more open and collaborative work environment.


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