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时间: 2024-09-20 13:19:14


1. The interface between the two departments needs to be improved for better communication. (两个部门之间的接口需要改进,以便更好地沟通。)

2. The new software has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate. (新软件具有用户友好的界面,使得导航变得更加容易。)

3. The interface of the website is clean and modern. (网站的界面清晰现代。)

4. The interface between the old and new systems is causing compatibility issues. (旧系统和新系统之间的接口导致兼容性问题。)

5. The nurse must learn how to use the interface on the new medical equipment. (护士必须学会如何使用新医疗设备的接口。)

6. The interface of the smartphone is intuitive and easy to use. (智能手机的界面直观且易于使用。)

7. The interface allows users to interact with the computer system. (这个界面允许用户与计算机系统进行交互。)

8. The interface design of the app needs to be more visually appealing. (这个应用的界面设计需要更具视觉吸引力。)

9. The interface between the company and its customers is crucial for maintaining good relationships. (公司与客户之间的接口对于保持良好关系至关重要。)

10. The interface of the video game is responsive and immersive. (这个视频游戏的界面反应灵敏,令人沉浸其中。)

11. The interface connects the different components of the machine. (这个接口连接了机器的不同组件。)

12. The interface of the ATM is easy to use for customers. (自动取款机的界面对客户来说很容易使用。)

13. The interface between the two countries allows for trade and cooperation. (两国之间的接口允许贸易和合作。)

14. The interface of the virtual reality headset provides a seamless experience for users. (虚拟现实头盔的界面为用户提供了无缝的体验。)

15. The interface of the software needs to be customized for different user needs. (软件的界面需要根据不同用户的需求进行定制。)

16. The interface between the hardware and software is critical for the device to function properly. (硬件和软件之间的接口对设备正常运行至关重要。)

17. The interface of the car's dashboard is designed for easy access to important information. (汽车仪表板的界面设计便于获取重要信息。)

18. The interface between the teacher and students should be open and respectful. (教师与学生之间的接口应该是开放和尊重的。)

19. The interface of the payment system is secure and reliable. (支付系统的界面是安全可靠的。)

20. The interface between the brain and the body allows for coordinated movement and function. (大脑和身体之间的接口允许协调的运动和功能。)

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