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时间: 2024-09-20 10:20:44


1. He was forced to kneel before the king as a sign of submission. 他被迫跪在国王面前,表示屈从。

2. The soldier knelt down to tie his shoelaces. 士兵跪下来系鞋带。

3. The football player knelt in prayer before the game. 足球运动员在比赛前跪下祈祷。

4. She knelt beside the injured bird and gently picked it up. 她跪在受伤的鸟旁,轻轻地把它抱起来。

5. The protesters knelt in silence to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers. 抗议者们静静地跪下,以纪念阵亡的士兵。

6. The knight was commanded to kneel before the queen and swear his loyalty. 骑士被命令跪在女王面前,并宣誓忠诚。

7. The young boy knelt at the edge of the pond to watch the fish swimming. 小男孩跪在池塘边观看游动的鱼。

8. After a long day of work, she was happy to finally kneel and rest her tired legs. 经过一天的辛苦工作,她终于高兴地跪下来休息她疲惫的双腿。

9. The proposal was so romantic that she couldn't help but kneel and say yes. 提议是如此浪漫,以至于她情不自禁地跪下来说“是”。

10. Kneel before the altar as a sign of respect and devotion. 跪在祭坛前表示尊重和虔诚。

11. The teacher asked the students to kneel as a punishment for misbehaving. 老师要求学生跪下来作为不当行为的惩罚。

12. Kneel down and tie your shoelaces before you trip over them. 跪下来系鞋带,免得绊倒。

13. The samurai knelt before his master to receive his orders. 武士跪在主人面前接受命令。

14. She knelt by the side of her bed to pray before going to sleep. 她跪在床边祈祷后再入睡。

15. In some cultures, it is customary to kneel before entering a sacred place. 在一些文化中,进入神圣场所前跪下是习俗。

16. The proposal was so touching that she couldn't help but kneel and hug her fiancé. 提议是如此感人,以至于她情不自禁地跪下来拥抱她的未婚夫。

17. Kneel before the king and beg for mercy. 跪在国王面前乞求宽恕。

18. The gymnast demonstrated her flexibility by effortlessly kneeling and touching her head to the ground. 体操运动员展示了她的柔韧性,毫不费力地跪下并触碰地面。

19. Kneel and ask for forgiveness if you have wronged someone. 如果你伤害了别人,跪下来请求原谅。

20. The child knelt down to pet the friendly dog. 孩子跪下来抚摸友好的狗。

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