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时间: 2024-09-21 10:18:25


1. Please do not litter in the park. (请不要在公园乱扔垃圾。)

2. The streets were littered with trash after the parade. (游行结束后,街道上到处都是垃圾。)

3. He found a litter of kittens in the barn. (他在谷仓里找到了一窝小猫。)

4. The beach was littered with empty bottles and cans. (沙滩上到处都是空瓶子和罐头。)

5. She picked up the litter on the hiking trail. (她在徒步小径上捡起了垃圾。)

6. The cat gave birth to a litter of five adorable kittens. (那只猫生了一窝五只可爱的小猫。)

7. Littering is harmful to the environment. (乱扔垃圾对环境有害。)

8. The litter box needs to be cleaned regularly. (猫砂盆需要定期清洁。)

9. He stepped on a litter of leaves as he walked through the forest. (他在森林里走路时踩到了一堆落叶。)

10. The litter of puppies played happily in the yard. (小狗的一窝幼犬在院子里快乐地玩耍。)

11. She was fined for littering in the public park. (她在公园乱扔垃圾被罚款。)

12. The litter in the river was causing pollution downstream. (河流中的垃圾导致下游污染。)

13. The cat gave birth to a litter of four kittens. (那只猫生了四只小猫。)

14. Littering can attract pests and rodents. (乱扔垃圾会吸引害虫和老鼠。)

15. The litter box needs to be emptied and refilled with fresh litter. (猫砂盆需要清空并重新填充新的猫砂。)

16. The litter of puppies was adopted by loving families. (小狗的一窝幼犬被有爱心的家庭收养了。)

17. The park was littered with fallen leaves after the storm. (暴风雨过后,公园里到处都是落叶。)

18. She found a litter of abandoned kittens and took them in. (她发现了一窝被遗弃的小猫并收养了它们。)

19. Littering is a punishable offense in this city. (在这个城市里,乱扔垃圾是可以受到惩罚的。)

20. The litter box should be placed in an easily accessible location for the cat. (猫砂盆应该放在猫容易到达的地方。)

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