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时间: 2024-09-20 12:54:31


1. The loudspeaker crackled with static before the music started.


2. The loudspeaker announced the arrival of the next train.


3. Please speak into the loudspeaker so everyone can hear you.


4. The loudspeaker blared out a warning about the approaching storm.


5. The loudspeaker system in the stadium ensured that everyone could hear the announcements.


6. The loudspeaker echoed through the halls, announcing the start of the event.


7. The loudspeaker on the bus informed passengers of the next stop.


8. The loudspeaker crackled and buzzed, making it difficult to understand the announcement.


9. The loudspeaker was used to amplify the speaker's voice in the crowded room.


10. The loudspeaker in the classroom helped the teacher to be heard by all the students.


11. 他在大声喇叭上说话,以便所有人都能听到。

12. 这个大声喇叭在演唱会上发出了震耳欲聋的音乐。

13. 大声喇叭的声音回荡在整个广场上,宣布了活动的开始。

14. 请对着大声喇叭说话,以便大家都能听到你的声音。

15. 大声喇叭的系统确保了每个人都能听到重要的公告。

16. 公交车上的大声喇叭通知乘客下一站是哪里。

17. 大声喇叭发出噼啪声和嗡嗡声,使得难以理解公告内容。

18. 大声喇叭被用来放大演讲者的声音,以便所有人都能听到。

19. 教室里的大声喇叭帮助老师让所有学生都听到了她的声音。

20. 大声喇叭在商场里播放着背景音乐,营造出轻松的氛围。

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