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时间: 2024-09-21 12:02:52


1. I went to the mall to do some shopping for new clothes.(我去商场买新衣服。)

2. The mall was filled with people taking advantage of the sales.(商场里挤满了抢购特价商品的人。)

3. The mall has a wide variety of stores, from clothing to electronics.(这家商场有各种各样的店铺,从服装到电子产品都有。)

4. We decided to grab a bite to eat at the food court in the mall.(我们决定在商场的美食广场吃点东西。)

5. The mall is a popular destination for families on the weekends.(周末商场是家庭出游的热门去处。)

6. I love the convenience of having everything I need in one place at the mall.(我喜欢商场里一站式购物的便利。)

7. The mall is decorated beautifully for the holiday season.(商场为节日期间装饰得非常漂亮。)

8. We got lost in the mall because it's so big.(我们在商场里迷路了,因为它太大了。)

9. The mall offers a range of entertainment options, such as a movie theater and arcade.(商场提供各种娱乐选项,如电影院和游戏厅。)

10. I always find great deals at the mall's department stores.(我总能在商场的百货店找到很划算的商品。)

11. The mall is a hub of activity, especially during the holiday season.(商场是活动的中心,尤其是在节日期间。)

12. We met up with friends at the mall and spent the afternoon together.(我们在商场会见朋友,一起度过了下午。)

13. The mall has a play area for children, making it a family-friendly destination.(商场有一个供孩子玩耍的区域,是一个适合家庭的去处。)

14. I often go to the mall to window shop and see the latest trends.(我经常去商场逛街,看看最新的潮流。)

15. The mall was buzzing with activity on the day of the grand opening.(开业当天商场热闹非凡。)

16. The mall is a convenient place to meet up with friends before going out.(商场是一个方便的地方,在外出前与朋友会面。)

17. We decided to have a girls' day out at the mall, shopping and catching up.(我们决定在商场度过一个女生的欢乐时光,购物和聊天。)

18. The mall is a popular spot for teenagers to hang out and socialize.(商场是青少年聚会和社交的热门地点。)

19. The mall's parking lot was packed on the weekend.(周末商场的停车场挤满了车辆。)

20. I enjoy the festive atmosphere at the mall during the holiday season.(我喜欢节日期间商场的节日气氛。)

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