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时间: 2024-09-20 14:24:48


1. The maple tree in the backyard turned a brilliant shade of red in the fall.


2. The syrup from the maple tree was sweet and delicious.


3. She collected a handful of colorful maple leaves to press in her scrapbook.


4. We went for a hike in the maple forest to enjoy the autumn foliage.


5. The Canadian flag features a stylized maple leaf as its central symbol.


6. The aroma of maple bacon wafted through the kitchen, making everyone's mouth water.


7. She carefully tapped the maple tree to collect sap for making maple syrup.


8. The maple wood used for the furniture was known for its durability and beautiful grain.


9. The children had a blast jumping into the pile of freshly raked maple leaves.


10. The maple syrup festival attracted visitors from all over the country.


11. 枫树在秋天的叶子变成了红色。

12. 枫树的糖浆又甜又美味。

13. 她收集了一把五颜六色的枫叶,准备压在她的剪贴簿里。

14. 我们去枫树森林远足,欣赏秋天的树叶。

15. 加拿大国旗的中心图案是一片风格化的枫叶。

16. 枫木熏肉的香味飘过厨房,让每个人都垂涎欲滴。

17. 她小心翼翼地在枫树上打孔,收集树液以制作枫糖浆。

18. 用于家具的枫木因其耐用和美丽的纹理而闻名。

19. 孩子们玩得不亦乐乎地跳进新扫的枫叶堆里。

20. 枫糖节吸引了全国各地的游客。

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