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时间: 2024-09-21 02:06:57


1. We've been best mates since we were kids.(我们从小就是最好的朋友。)

2. Can I borrow your pen, mate?(伙计,我能借用你的笔吗?)

3. He's my mate from work.(他是我在工作中的朋友。)

4. Let's go for a drink, mate.(伙计,我们去喝一杯吧。)

5. My mate is really good at playing the guitar.(我的朋友在弹吉他方面真的很厉害。)

6. Mate, can you help me move this table?(伙计,你能帮我搬一下这张桌子吗?)

7. They've been mates for years.(他们多年来一直是好朋友。)

8. Mate, I need your advice on something.(伙计,我需要你的建议。)

9. He's my old college mate.(他是我大学时的老同学。)

10. My mate and I are going on a road trip next week.(我和我的朋友下周要去自驾游。)

11. They're just mates, nothing more.(他们只是朋友,没有其他的关系。)

12. Mate, you really need to get some rest.(伙计,你真的需要休息一下。)

13. She's my best mate, I tell her everything.(她是我最好的朋友,我和她说所有的事情。)

14. They were childhood mates who grew up together.(他们是一起长大的童年伙伴。)

15. My mate is always there for me when I need help.(我的朋友总是在我需要帮助的时候支持我。)

16. Mate, I can't believe you did that!(伙计,我简直不敢相信你做了那件事!)

17. They're just mates, hanging out together.(他们只是朋友,一起玩耍。)

18. My mate and I have a lot in common.(我和我的朋友有很多共同点。)

19. Mate, you need to stop worrying so much.(伙计,你需要停止那么担心。)

20. He's my mate, I trust him completely.(他是我的朋友,我完全信任他。)

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