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时间: 2024-09-21 11:59:27


1. I love Mexican food, especially tacos and enchiladas.(我喜欢墨西哥食品,尤其是玉米卷和肉饼)

2. The Mexican culture is known for its vibrant colors and lively music.(墨西哥文化以其鲜艳的色彩和活泼的音乐而闻名)

3. She bought a beautiful Mexican blanket as a souvenir from her trip.(她在旅行中买了一条漂亮的墨西哥毯子作为纪念品)

4. The Mexican government is working to improve the country's economy.(墨西哥政府正在努力改善国家经济)

5. The Mexican flag features a golden eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak.(墨西哥国旗上有一只站在仙人掌上的金雕,嘴里叼着一条蛇)

6. Mexican cuisine is known for its bold flavors and use of fresh ingredients.(墨西哥烹饪以其浓郁的风味和新鲜食材而闻名)

7. I'm planning a trip to Mexico to experience the rich Mexican culture.(我计划去墨西哥旅行,体验丰富的墨西哥文化)

8. The Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is famous for her self-portraits and unique style.(墨西哥艺术家弗里达·卡罗以她的自画像和独特风格而闻名)

9. The Mexican peso is the official currency of Mexico.(墨西哥比索是墨西哥的官方货币)

10. The Mexican government is working on environmental initiatives to protect its natural resources.(墨西哥政府正在推进环保倡议,保护其自然资源)

11. The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle that transformed Mexican society.(墨西哥革命是一场重大的武装斗争,改变了墨西哥社会)

12. Mexican art often incorporates elements of indigenous culture and history.(墨西哥艺术常常融入土著文化和历史元素)

13. The Mexican government is working to address issues of poverty and inequality.(墨西哥政府正在努力解决贫困和不平等问题)

14. The Mexican Day of the Dead is a traditional holiday to honor deceased loved ones.(墨西哥的“亡灵节”是一个传统节日,用以纪念逝去的亲人)

15. Mexican architecture is characterized by its colorful buildings and intricate designs.(墨西哥建筑以其色彩斑斓的建筑和复杂的设计而著称)

16. Mexican folklore includes legends of mythical creatures and supernatural beings.(墨西哥民间传说包括关于神话生物和超自然存在的传说)

17. The Mexican government is working to promote tourism and attract visitors to the country.(墨西哥政府正在努力推动旅游业,吸引游客来到该国)

18. Mexican history is filled with stories of ancient civilizations and colonial conquests.(墨西哥历史充满了古代文明和殖民征服的故事)

19. The Mexican economy relies heavily on industries such as manufacturing and agriculture.(墨西哥经济在很大程度上依赖于制造业和农业等行业)

20. Mexican textiles are known for their intricate patterns and vibrant colors.(墨西哥纺织品以其复杂的图案和鲜艳的颜色而闻名)

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