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时间: 2024-09-20 13:05:20


1. The tea was only mildly sweet, just the way I like it. (这茶只有一点点甜,正好合我口味。)

2. She was mildly surprised when she saw the unexpected guest. (她看到意外的客人时,有点吃惊。)

3. The movie was mildly entertaining, but not particularly memorable. (这部电影有点娱乐,但并不特别令人难忘。)

4. He was only mildly interested in the topic of the conversation. (他对谈话的话题只是有点感兴趣。)

5. The weather was only mildly cold, so I didn't need to wear a heavy coat. (天气只是有点冷,所以我不需要穿厚外套。)

6. She was only mildly irritated by the noise outside. (她只是稍微被外面的噪音激怒了一下。)

7. The food was only mildly spicy, so it was suitable for most people. (这食物只是有点辣,所以适合大多数人。)

8. The criticism was only mildly constructive, lacking in specific advice. (这批评只是稍微有建设性,缺乏具体的建议。)

9. His injury was only mildly painful, so he didn't need strong painkillers. (他的伤只是稍微疼痛,所以不需要强效止痛药。)

10. The color of the walls was only mildly off-white, not pure white. (墙壁的颜色只是稍微偏离白色,不是纯白色。)

11. The students were only mildly interested in the lecture, as it was not very engaging. (学生们对讲座只是稍微感兴趣,因为不够引人入胜。)

12. The speaker's voice was only mildly muffled by the microphone. (演讲者的声音只是稍微被麦克风压低了。)

13. The coffee was only mildly bitter, with a hint of sweetness. (这咖啡只是稍微有点苦涩,还带着一丝甜味。)

14. The smell in the room was only mildly unpleasant, but not overpowering. (房间里的气味只是稍微让人不舒服,但不至于难闻。)

15. The music was only mildly loud, not enough to disturb the conversation. (音乐只是稍微大声,不足以打扰谈话。)

16. The fabric was only mildly wrinkled, so it didn't need ironing. (布料只是稍微有点皱,所以不需要熨烫。)

17. The dog was only mildly aggressive, showing its teeth but not attacking. (狗只是稍微有点侵略性,露出牙齿但没有攻击。)

18. The mistake was only mildly embarrassing, easily overlooked. (这个错误只是稍微令人尴尬,很容易被忽视。)

19. The room was only mildly dim, with enough light to see clearly. (房间只是稍微昏暗,有足够的光线可以清晰看见。)

20. The joke was only mildly amusing, eliciting a small chuckle from the audience. (这个笑话只是稍微有趣,引起了观众的小笑声。)

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