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时间: 2024-09-21 11:50:56


1. She gave me a nasty look when I accidentally bumped into her.(当我不小心撞到她时,她瞪了我一眼。)

2. The food at that restaurant was really nasty - I couldn't eat it.(那家餐馆的食物真难吃,我吃不下去。)

3. He has a nasty habit of interrupting people when they're speaking.(他有个恶习,就是在别人说话的时候插嘴。)

4. I got a nasty shock when I saw the huge spider in the bathroom.(当我看到浴室里的大蜘蛛时,我吓了一跳。)

5. The nasty weather ruined our plans for a picnic.(糟糕的天气毁了我们野餐的计划。)

6. She made a nasty comment about my appearance, which really hurt my feelings.(她对我的外表发表了一些恶毒的评论,让我很伤心。)

7. The nasty smell coming from the garbage made me feel sick.(垃圾发出的难闻气味让我感到恶心。)

8. The nasty gossip about her spread quickly through the office.(有关她的恶毒谣言在办公室迅速传播开来。)

9. The nasty stain on the carpet was impossible to remove.(地毯上的污渍很难清除。)

10. He has a nasty temper and often loses his cool over small things.(他脾气暴躁,经常因小事发脾气。)

11. The nasty flu bug knocked me out for a week.(难缠的流感病毒让我卧床一周。)

12. She received a nasty shock when she discovered her car had been stolen.(当她发现她的车被偷时,她受到了严重的打击。)

13. The nasty taste of the medicine made it difficult for the child to swallow.(药物的难吃味道让孩子很难吞下。)

14. The nasty customer was rude to all the staff at the restaurant.(那个刁钻的顾客对餐馆的所有员工都很无礼。)

15. The nasty fall left him with a broken arm.(那次严重的摔倒导致他手臂骨折。)

16. She received a nasty letter from her ex-husband, full of insults and accusations.(她收到了她前夫的一封恶毒的信,满是侮辱和指责。)

17. The nasty storm caused a lot of damage to the town.(恶劣的风暴给城镇造成了很多损害。)

18. His nasty behavior towards his colleagues led to him being fired.(他对同事的恶劣行为导致他被解雇。)

19. The nasty traffic jam made us late for the meeting.(糟糕的交通堵塞让我们迟到了会议。)

20. The nasty rumor about her past haunted her for years.(有关她过去的恶毒谣言让她多年来备受困扰。)

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