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时间: 2024-09-21 04:05:18


1. The natural beauty of the mountains took my breath away.(山的自然美景让我惊叹不已。)

2. She has a natural talent for playing the piano.(她天生就有弹钢琴的天赋。)

3. It's natural to feel nervous before a big presentation.(在进行重要演讲之前感到紧张是很自然的。)

4. The medicine contains only natural ingredients.(这种药只含有天然成分。)

5. The river followed its natural course.(河流顺着它的自然河道流淌。)

6. He had a natural ability to make people feel comfortable.(他有一种天生的能力让人感到舒适。)

7. It's natural for parents to worry about their children.(父母担心他们的孩子是很自然的。)

8. The company promotes the use of natural alternatives to plastic.(公司倡导使用天然替代品来替代塑料。)

9. She has a natural grace and elegance.(她天生就有优雅和风度。)

10. The cat's hunting instincts are natural behaviors.(猫的捕猎本能是一种自然行为。)

11. The natural light in the room creates a warm atmosphere.(房间里的自然光营造出了温馨的氛围。)

12. His smile was so natural and genuine.(他的微笑是如此自然和真诚。)

13. The hikers enjoyed the natural beauty of the forest.(远足者们享受着森林的自然美景。)

14. After being indoors all day, it felt natural to go outside for a walk.(整天呆在室内后,出去散步感觉很自然。)

15. The natural disaster caused widespread destruction.(自然灾害造成了广泛的破坏。)

16. The fabric is made from natural fibers.(这种织物是由天然纤维制成的。)

17. The artist was inspired by the natural world.(艺术家从自然界中获得了灵感。)

18. She has a natural charm that draws people to her.(她有一种天生的魅力吸引着人们。)

19. The therapy focuses on natural healing methods.(这种疗法侧重于自然疗法。)

20. The scientist studies the behavior of natural phenomena.(科学家研究自然现象的行为。)

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