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时间: 2024-09-21 10:40:51


1. I live near the city center, so I can walk to most places.(我住在市中心附近,所以大部分地方都可以步行到达。)

2. The grocery store is near the park, making it convenient for us to buy food and then have a picnic.(杂货店就在公园附近,这样我们就可以方便地买食物然后野餐。)

3. She was standing near the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive.(她站在公交车站附近,等待公交车的到来。)

4. The restaurant is near the beach, offering a beautiful view of the ocean.(这家餐厅就在海滩附近,可以欣赏美丽的海景。)

5. The hotel is near the airport, which is convenient for travelers.(这家酒店就在机场附近,非常方便旅客。)

6. The museum is near the historic district, making it a great place to learn about the city's history.(博物馆就在历史街区附近,是了解这座城市历史的好地方。)

7. The playground is near the school, so the children can easily play there after classes.(游乐场就在学校附近,所以孩子们放学后可以方便地去玩。)

8. The hospital is near the highway, allowing for quick access in case of emergencies.(医院就在高速公路附近,紧急情况下可以快速到达。)

9. The hiking trail is near the mountain, providing a challenging yet rewarding experience for hikers.(徒步小径就在山附近,为徒步者提供了具有挑战性但又有回报的体验。)

10. The cafe is near the university, making it a popular spot for students to study and relax.(这家咖啡馆就在大学附近,是学生学习和放松的热门去处。)

11. The factory is located near the river, using the water for its production processes.(工厂位于河流附近,利用水资源进行生产。)

12. The ski resort is near the snow-capped mountains, providing a picturesque backdrop for winter sports.(滑雪度假村就在雪山附近,为冬季运动提供了美丽的背景。)

13. The library is near the downtown area, attracting book lovers from all over the city.(图书馆就在市中心附近,吸引了全市的书籍爱好者。)

14. The theater is near the shopping district, making it convenient for people to catch a show after a day of shopping.(剧院就在购物区附近,让人们可以在购物一天后方便地观看演出。)

15. The new apartment complex is near the train station, making it a desirable location for commuters.(新的公寓大楼就在火车站附近,是通勤者理想的居住地点。)

16. The farm is near the countryside, providing a peaceful and idyllic setting for visitors.(农场就在乡下附近,为游客提供了宁静和田园风光。)

17. The vineyard is near the winery, where the grapes are harvested and turned into wine.(葡萄园就在酒厂附近,葡萄在那里收获并酿成葡萄酒。)

18. The park is near the residential area, allowing families to enjoy outdoor activities close to home.(公园就在住宅区附近,让家庭可以在家附近享受户外活动。)

19. The church is near the town square, serving as a prominent landmark in the community.(教堂就在镇广场附近,是社区中一处显著的地标。)

20. The hotel is near the convention center, making it a convenient choice for conference attendees.(这家酒店就在会议中心附近,是参加会议者的便利选择。)

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