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时间: 2024-09-21 10:23:32


1. She faced prejudice in the workplace due to her gender.


2. The novel explores the destructive effects of racial prejudice.


3. It's important to challenge prejudice and promote equality.


4. The judge urged the jury to set aside their prejudice and consider the evidence objectively.


5. The prejudice against people with disabilities is still prevalent in many societies.


6. Growing up in a multicultural environment helped her overcome prejudice and embrace diversity.


7. The documentary sheds light on the prejudice faced by the LGBTQ+ community.


8. Many people hold prejudice against individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds.


9. The company has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of prejudice or discrimination.


10. It's disheartening to see how deeply ingrained prejudice is in some communities.


11. The school organized workshops to educate students about the dangers of prejudice.


12. The media plays a significant role in perpetuating prejudice through biased reporting.


13. Overcoming prejudice requires open-mindedness and empathy.


14. The historical novel vividly portrays the prejudice experienced by immigrants in the early 20th century.


15. The comedian uses humor to challenge stereotypes and prejudice.


16. Prejudice can lead to social exclusion and marginalization.


17. The conference aims to address the roots of prejudice and find solutions to combat it.


18. The documentary highlighted the impact of prejudice on mental health.


19. The education system plays a crucial role in combating prejudice and promoting inclusivity.


20. It's important to acknowledge our own biases and work towards eliminating prejudice.


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