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时间: 2024-09-20 11:01:43


1. She struggled to pronounce the difficult words.


2. Can you pronounce this word for me?


3. I always mispronounce his name.


4. The teacher asked the student to pronounce the word correctly.


5. It's important to pronounce each syllable clearly.


6. He struggled to pronounce the foreign name.


7. She practiced for hours to pronounce the words correctly.


8. The actor had to learn how to pronounce the lines with a British accent.


9. The linguist could pronounce the most difficult sounds of the language.


10. The app helps you learn how to pronounce words in different languages.


11. 他发音很准确,听起来像是土生土长的本地人。

12. 她很难发音这个生词。

13. 你能正确地发音这个外国名字吗?

14. 他的发音很标准,听起来很自然。

15. 她花了很多时间练习正确发音。

16. 他的发音很有特色,很容易辨认。

17. 请你慢一点,我没听清楚你的发音。

18. 她的发音有点口音,但还是很清晰。

19. 这个应用可以帮你学习如何发音不同语言中的单词。

20. 他总是发错音这个名字,让人感到很尴尬。

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