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时间: 2024-09-21 10:40:55


1. She studied philosophy at university and now works as a therapist. (她在大学学习了哲学,现在从事治疗工作。)

2. The philosophy of existentialism explores the nature of human existence. (存在主义的哲学探讨了人类存在的本质。)

3. His philosophy is to live life to the fullest and embrace every opportunity. (他的人生哲学是要充分地活着,抓住每一个机会。)

4. Eastern philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things. (东方哲学强调万物的相互关联。)

5. The philosophy of stoicism teaches the importance of self-control and resilience. (斯多葛主义的哲学教导了自我控制和坚韧的重要性。)

6. In philosophy, the concept of ethics explores moral principles and values. (在哲学中,伦理学的概念探讨了道德原则和价值观。)

7. The philosophy of pragmatism focuses on practical consequences and real-world applications. (实用主义的哲学关注实际后果和现实世界的应用。)

8. Her philosophy of life is centered around kindness and compassion for others. (她的人生哲学围绕着对他人的善良和同情展开。)

9. The philosophy of aesthetics examines the nature of beauty and artistic expression. (美学的哲学探讨了美的本质和艺术表达。)

10. He adopted a minimalist philosophy, choosing to live with only the essentials. (他采取了极简主义的哲学,选择只生活必需品。)

11. The philosophy of dualism posits the existence of both mind and body as separate entities. (二元论的哲学假设了心灵和身体作为独立实体的存在。)

12. Ancient Greek philosophy laid the foundation for Western philosophical thought. (古希腊哲学奠定了西方哲学思想的基础。)

13. The philosophy of utilitarianism advocates for actions that maximize overall happiness. (功利主义的哲学主张最大化整体幸福的行动。)

14. The philosophy of determinism argues that all events are predetermined by previous causes. (决定论的哲学认为一切事件都是由先前的原因所决定的。)

15. His philosophy on leadership emphasizes the importance of empowering others and fostering teamwork. (他对领导的哲学强调了赋权他人和培养团队合作的重要性。)

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