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时间: 2024-09-20 11:53:41


1. The hikers navigated the rugged terrain with the help of a detailed map.(徒步旅行者借助详细地图在崎岖的地形中导航。)

2. The military conducted training exercises in various types of terrain, including desert, forest, and mountainous areas.(军队在各种地形中进行训练演习,包括沙漠、森林和山地。)

3. The vehicle's off-road capabilities made it well-suited for navigating difficult terrain.(这辆车的越野性能使其非常适合穿越困难的地形。)

4. The terrain of the new planet was unlike anything the explorers had ever seen before.(新星球的地形与探险者以往所见的完全不同。)

5. The construction crew had to find a way to build a road through the rocky terrain.(建筑队不得不想办法在崎岖的地形中修建道路。)

6. The terrain in the national park varied from lush valleys to steep cliffs.(国家公园的地形从郁郁葱葱的山谷到陡峭的悬崖不一。)

7. The team carefully studied the terrain before planning their hiking route.(团队在规划徒步路线前仔细研究了地形。)

8. The terrain became increasingly challenging as the climbers ascended the mountain.(随着登山者的攀登,地形变得越来越具有挑战性。)

9. The company specializes in developing equipment for navigating difficult terrain.(这家公司专门开发用于穿越困难地形的设备。)

10. The terrain around the lake was dotted with small, rocky islands.(湖泊周围的地形上布满了小小的岩石岛屿。)

11. The terrain of the battlefield presented a significant strategic advantage to the defending army.(战场的地形对防守军队具有重大的战略优势。)

12. The terrain of the region made it difficult for farmers to cultivate crops.(该地区的地形使农民们难以耕种作物。)

13. The team used specialized vehicles to traverse the rugged terrain of the wilderness.(团队使用专门的车辆穿越荒野的崎岖地形。)

14. The terrain shifted from flat plains to rolling hills as we drove through the countryside.(当我们驱车穿越乡村时,地形从平坦的平原变成了起伏的丘陵。)

15. The terrain of the lunar surface presented unique challenges to the astronauts exploring the moon.(月球表面的地形对探险月球的宇航员们提出了独特的挑战。)

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