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时间: 2024-09-20 11:02:06


1. The supervisor was responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the department.(主管负责监督部门的日常运营。)

2. The supervisor reprimanded the employee for consistently being late to work.(主管训斥员工因为经常迟到上班。)

3. As a supervisor, it's important to provide guidance and support to your team.(作为主管,向团队提供指导和支持是很重要的。)

4. The supervisor conducted performance evaluations for all the staff members.(主管对所有员工进行绩效评估。)

5. The supervisor's main role is to ensure that the team meets their targets and deadlines.(主管的主要职责是确保团队达到他们的目标和截止日期。)

6. The supervisor intervened to resolve a conflict between two employees.(主管介入解决了两名员工之间的冲突。)

7. The supervisor provided constructive feedback to help the employee improve their work.(主管提供建设性的反馈,帮助员工改进他们的工作。)

8. The supervisor was impressed by the team's dedication and hard work.(主管对团队的奉献精神和努力工作印象深刻。)

9. The supervisor held a meeting to discuss the new project with the team.(主管召开会议与团队讨论新项目。)

10. The supervisor's leadership style encouraged open communication and collaboration.(主管的领导风格鼓励开放沟通和合作。)

11. The supervisor was responsible for training new employees on company policies and procedures.(主管负责培训新员工公司的政策和流程。)

12. The supervisor was pleased with the team's progress and gave them positive feedback.(主管对团队的进展感到满意,并给予他们积极的反馈。)

13. The supervisor delegated tasks to different team members based on their strengths and skills.(主管根据团队成员的优势和技能分派任务。)

14. The supervisor's role is to ensure that the workplace is safe and compliant with regulations.(主管的职责是确保工作场所安全并符合法规。)

15. The supervisor's experience and expertise were valuable assets to the team.(主管的经验和专业知识对团队来说是宝贵的资产。)

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