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时间: 2024-09-21 12:06:21


1. She keeps her personal life private and doesn't like to share details with others.(她保持个人生活的私密性,不喜欢与他人分享细节。)

2. Personal hygiene is important for maintaining good health.(个人卫生对于保持良好的健康很重要。)

3. I take personal responsibility for the mistake and will work to correct it.(我对这个错误负有个人责任,并将努力纠正。)

4. It's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance for personal well-being.(保持良好的工作与生活平衡对个人健康很重要。)

5. Personal growth and development are lifelong processes that require dedication and effort.(个人成长和发展是需要终身投入和努力的过程。)

6. I have a personal connection to this cause, so I am deeply invested in its success.(我与这个事业有着个人的联系,因此我对它的成功深感投入。)

7. She received a personal invitation to the event from the organizer.(她收到了主办方的个人邀请参加活动。)

8. It's important to set personal goals to give direction and purpose to your life.(设定个人目标对于给予生活方向和目的很重要。)

9. My personal opinion is that we should take a different approach to solving this problem.(我个人的观点是,我们应该采取不同的方式来解决这个问题。)

10. The company has a strict policy against personal use of company resources.(公司对于个人使用公司资源有严格的规定。)

11. She takes personal pride in her work and always strives for excellence.(她对自己的工作感到自豪,并始终追求卓越。)

12. The book offers insights into the personal struggles of the author and how they overcame them.(这本书深入探讨了作者的个人挣扎以及他们是如何克服的。)

13. Personal relationships can greatly impact one's emotional well-being.(个人关系可以极大地影响一个人的情感健康。)

14. He prefers to handle personal matters privately without involving others.(他更喜欢私下处理个人事务,不愿牵扯其他人。)

15. Personal values and beliefs often shape a person's decision-making process.(个人的价值观和信仰通常会影响一个人的决策过程。)

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