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时间: 2024-09-20 16:07:14


1. Neither of us could decide where to go for dinner. (我们两个都无法决定去哪里吃晚饭。)

2. I can neither confirm nor deny the allegations against me. (我既不能确认也不能否认对我的指控。)

3. Neither of the options seems appealing to me. (这两个选项对我都不吸引。)

4. She is neither happy nor sad about the news. (她对这个消息既不开心也不难过。)

5. Neither of the candidates received enough votes to win the election. (两位候选人都没有获得足够的选票赢得选举。)

6. I neither understand nor agree with your decision. (我既不理解也不同意你的决定。)

7. Neither the teacher nor the students were satisfied with the test results. (老师和学生都对考试结果不满意。)

8. Neither of the solutions seemed to solve the problem. (这两个解决方案似乎都不能解决问题。)

9. She can speak neither French nor German. (她既不会说法语也不会说德语。)

10. Neither of the roads will lead us to the right destination. (这两条路都不会把我们带到正确的目的地。)

11. He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer. (他既不是医生也不是律师。)

12. Neither the cat nor the dog wanted to go outside in the rain. (猫和狗都不想在雨中外出。)

13. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with this right now. (我现在既没有时间也没有耐心来处理这个问题。)

14. Neither of them could provide a satisfactory explanation for their actions. (他们两个都不能对他们的行为提供令人满意的解释。)

15. The company offers neither compensation nor apology for the inconvenience caused. (公司对造成的不便既不提供赔偿也不道歉。)

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