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时间: 2024-09-20 16:22:17


"glory"这个词源于古法语中的"glorie",源自拉丁语中的"gloria",意为"great praise or honor",即赞美或荣誉。在拉丁语中,"gloria"用来表示对某人或某事物的高度赞扬和尊敬。随着时间的推移,这个词被引申为表示光荣、荣耀、辉煌等含义。在现代英语中,"glory"通常用来描述光荣、荣耀、辉煌或赞美的意义。

"Glory" traces its origins to the Latin word "gloria," which means "great praise" or "honor." In classical Latin, "gloria" was often associated with divine praise or renown. Over time, this word evolved in meaning to encompass the concept of splendor, magnificence, or fame. The English word "glory" entered the language through Old French, retaining its fundamental sense of great praise or honor. It has been used in English since the Middle Ages to convey the idea of honor, renown, or magnificence, often associated with great achievements or divine favor.

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