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时间: 2024-09-21 10:03:14


1. The soup smells delicious. (这汤闻起来很香)

2. She felt very tired after the long day. (她在这漫长的一天之后感到非常疲倦)

3. The flowers look beautiful in the garden. (花园里的花看起来很美)

4. The cake tastes amazing. (这蛋糕尝起来很棒)

5. The music sounds soothing. (这音乐听起来很舒缓)

6. The weather seems to be getting colder. (天气似乎越来越冷了)

7. The children appeared excited about the trip. (孩子们似乎对这次旅行很兴奋)

8. His voice grew louder as he got angrier. (随着他变得越来越生气,他的声音变得越来越大)

9. The water feels cold to the touch. (水摸起来很冷)

10. The movie remains popular among audiences. (这部电影在观众中仍然很受欢迎)

11. The book proved to be an interesting read. (这本书被证明是一本有趣的读物)

12. His performance turned out to be exceptional. (他的表现最终是非常出色的)

13. The situation appears to be improving. (情况似乎在好转)

14. The new car looks sleek and modern. (这辆新车看起来时尚又现代)

15. The solution seems simple enough. (解决方案似乎足够简单)


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