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essay "根(root)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-21 09:56:12


Here is an essay on the topic of "root" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and a vocabulary list at the end.






English Translation:

Roots are the source of life, and they are the most important part of plant growth. Roots grow deep underground, silently fulfilling the task of absorbing water and nutrients, providing a continuous supply of nutrients for the aboveground stems and leaves. Roots also have the function of anchoring plants and storing nutrients, which is the foundation for plant survival and development.

According to the living habits and growth characteristics of plants, roots can be divided into different types. The roots of annual plants are mostly fibrous roots, consisting of many slender rhizomes, with simple forms and single functions; the roots of perennial plants are more complex, with main roots, lateral roots, and fibrous roots, some of which also develop into tuberous roots or tubers, storing a large amount of nutrients. Some plants also extend their roots underground, becoming rhizomes, sprouting new stems and leaves, and these roots are called rhizomes.

In addition to playing a crucial role in plant growth, roots also have important uses in human life. Many plant roots are rich in various nutrients and are important food and medicinal materials for humans. For example, ginseng, yam, and carrots are all root and tuber plants, which are important sources of our daily diet and traditional Chinese medicine. Roots can also be used to make handicrafts, such as bamboo and rattan, and have wide applications in architecture, furniture, and other fields.

In summary, roots are the foundation of plant life and a valuable resource for human survival. We should cherish and protect these plant roots, so that they can continue to provide us with nutrients and comfort.


1. 根 (gēn) - root

2. 须根 (xūgēn) - fibrous root

3. 主根 (zhǔgēn) - main root

4. 支根 (zhīgēn) - lateral root

5. 块根 (kuàigēn) - tuberous root

6. 块茎 (kuàijīng) - tuber

7. 根茎 (gēngjīng) - rhizome

8. 营养 (yíngyǎng) - nutrition

9. 固定 (gùdìng) - anchor, fix

10. 储存 (chǔcún) - store, preserve

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