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essay "种子(seed)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-21 03:58:16



A seed is a remarkable and intricate structure that holds the potential for new life. It is the fundamental unit of plant reproduction, containing the embryo, the food reserve, and the protective outer layers. The seed is a testament to the incredible adaptability and resilience of plants, as it has evolved to ensure the survival and propagation of the species.

At the heart of the seed lies the embryo, a miniature plant that is poised to grow and develop into a mature plant. The embryo is nourished by the endosperm, a nutrient-rich tissue that provides the necessary energy and resources for the initial stages of germination. This endosperm can take various forms, such as starch, oil, or protein, depending on the plant species.

Surrounding the embryo and endosperm is the seed coat, a protective layer that shields the delicate contents from environmental hazards. The seed coat is often tough and impermeable, preventing water and air from entering prematurely and ensuring the embryo remains dormant until the right conditions for germination arise.

The remarkable adaptability of seeds is evident in their diverse forms and strategies. Some seeds are small and lightweight, easily dispersed by wind or water, while others are larger and more dense, relying on animals or gravity for distribution. Some seeds have specialized structures, such as wings or hooks, that aid in their dispersal, while others have a hard outer shell that must be broken down before germination can occur.

The process of seed germination is a true marvel of nature. When the right environmental conditions are met, such as adequate moisture, temperature, and oxygen, the seed coat softens, and the embryo begins to emerge. The radicle, or embryonic root, is the first to emerge, anchoring the seedling in the soil and drawing in water and nutrients. The cotyledons, or seed leaves, then unfurl, providing the young plant with the energy and resources it needs to continue growing.

As the seedling develops, it begins to produce its own leaves, stems, and roots, drawing sustenance from the soil and the sun. This remarkable transformation, from a seemingly dormant seed to a thriving plant, is a testament to the incredible resilience and adaptability of the natural world.

In conclusion, the seed is a remarkable and intricate structure that holds the key to the continued survival and propagation of plant life. Its diverse forms, strategies, and adaptations have allowed plants to thrive in a wide range of environments, making them a fundamental component of the Earth's ecosystems. By understanding the complexities of the seed, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible processes that sustain life on our planet.

English Translation:










1. Seed: the unit of plant reproduction, containing the embryo, endosperm, and seed coat.

2. Embryo: the miniature plant within the seed, poised to grow and develop.

3. Endosperm: the nutrient-rich tissue that nourishes the embryo during germination.

4. Seed coat: the protective outer layer that shields the delicate contents of the seed.

5. Germination: the process by which the seed sprouts and the embryo begins to grow.

6. Radicle: the embryonic root that emerges first during germination, anchoring the seedling in the soil.

7. Cotyledons: the seed leaves that unfurl, providing the young plant with energy and resources.

8. Dormant: in a state of temporary inactivity or suspended animation.

9. Dispersal: the act of spreading or distributing seeds to new locations.

10. Adaptability: the ability to adjust to different conditions or environments.

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