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essay "狼(wolf)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 14:10:41



The wolf, a majestic and elusive creature, has long captured the imagination of humanity. Revered and feared in equal measure, these apex predators have played a significant role in the folklore and mythology of many cultures around the world.

Wolves are highly intelligent and social animals, living in tightly-knit family groups called packs. Led by a dominant alpha pair, the pack works together to hunt, defend their territory, and care for their young. Their keen senses of smell, hearing, and sight make them formidable hunters, capable of tracking and taking down prey much larger than themselves.

In the wild, wolves play a vital role in the delicate balance of their ecosystems. As top predators, they help to regulate the populations of their prey species, such as deer and elk, preventing overgrazing and maintaining the health of the landscape. Their presence also benefits other species, as their kills provide food for scavengers like bears, foxes, and birds of prey.

Despite their importance, wolves have faced numerous threats throughout history. Habitat loss, human encroachment, and targeted hunting and trapping have all contributed to the decline of wolf populations in many parts of the world. In some regions, they have been hunted to near-extinction, with only a few remaining individuals clinging to survival.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the need to protect and conserve wolf populations. Conservation efforts, such as reintroduction programs and the establishment of protected habitats, have helped to restore wolf populations in certain areas. These efforts are crucial, not only for the wolves themselves but for the entire ecosystems they inhabit.

The wolf's place in our collective consciousness is a testament to its enduring power and mystique. From the fierce, cunning predator of folklore to the majestic, awe-inspiring creature of the wild, the wolf continues to captivate and inspire us. As we strive to coexist with these remarkable animals, we must remember that their survival is not only a matter of ecological balance but also a reflection of our own relationship with the natural world.

English Translation:









1. apex predator - 顶级掠食者

2. elusive - 难以捉摸的

3. revered - 受崇敬的

4. mythology - 神话

5. tightly-knit - 紧密团结的

6. alpha pair - 统治地位的alpha对

7. keen senses - 敏锐的感官

8. formidable - 可怕的

9. regulate - 调节

10. overgrazing - 过度采食

11. encroachment - 侵占

12. reintroduction - 重新引入

13. conservation - 保护

14. captivate - 吸引

15. mystique - 神秘魅力

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