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essay "祷告(pray)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 09:09:31









English Translation:


Prayer is a fundamental aspect of many religions and spiritual practices, serving as a means of communication with the divine or a higher power. It is a deeply personal and profound experience that can bring comfort, guidance, and a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves.

At its core, prayer is an expression of the human desire to connect with the sacred, to seek solace, and to find meaning in the complexities of life. Through prayer, individuals can express gratitude, seek forgiveness, ask for blessings, or simply pour out their hearts and minds in a moment of quiet reflection.

The act of praying can take many forms, from the recitation of traditional prayers to spontaneous outpourings of the soul. Some may kneel or prostrate themselves, while others may sit in silent meditation. Regardless of the specific approach, the essence of prayer remains the same: a sincere and heartfelt attempt to commune with the divine.

For many, prayer is a source of strength and resilience, providing a refuge in times of adversity and a wellspring of hope in the face of uncertainty. It can offer a sense of peace and clarity, helping individuals to navigate the challenges of life with a deeper understanding of their place in the world.

At the same time, prayer is not without its complexities. Questions may arise about the nature of the divine, the efficacy of prayer, and the role of individual agency in the face of a higher power. These questions can lead to deep theological and philosophical discussions, as individuals grapple with the mysteries of the human experience.

Despite these complexities, the act of prayer remains a powerful and transformative practice for countless individuals around the world. It serves as a reminder of the profound human need to connect with something greater than ourselves, to find solace in the face of life's trials, and to cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.


1. fundamental - 基本的

2. divine - 神圣的

3. profound - 深刻的

4. solace - 安慰

5. guidance - 指导

6. sacred - 神圣的

7. gratitude - 感恩

8. forgiveness - 宽恕

9. blessings - 祝福

10. meditation - 冥想

11. commune - 交流

12. resilience - 抗压力

13. adversity - 逆境

14. uncertainty - 不确定性

15. theology - 神学

16. philosophy - 哲学

17. transform - 改变

18. purpose - 目的

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