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essay "进步(progressive)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-21 07:35:23


Here is a 400-word essay on the concept of "progress" (进步), with an English translation and vocabulary list.






English Translation:

Progress is the main theme of human social development. Since ancient times, humanity has been constantly pursuing progress, constantly changing the status quo, and constantly seeking a better life. Progress is a relative concept, referring to the transformation from a lower or worse state to a higher or better state.

Progress is reflected in various aspects, whether in the fields of science and technology, economy, politics, or culture, we can see that human society is constantly progressing. The progress of science and technology has made human life more convenient and comfortable, the progress of the economy has continuously improved people's living standards, the progress of politics has made society more fair and just, and the progress of culture has enriched the spiritual world of humanity.

The driving force of progress comes from human curiosity and creativity. Humans are not satisfied with the status quo and are always eager to explore the unknown and discover new possibilities. It is this spirit of constant exploration and innovation that drives human society to keep moving forward. At the same time, progress also requires the joint efforts and struggles of all humans. Only when everyone contributes their own efforts can society truly achieve progress.

Of course, progress is not a smooth sailing. On the path of advancement, there will also be all kinds of difficulties and challenges. But it is these difficulties and challenges that make progress so precious and remarkable. We need to learn to face these difficulties, bravely confront them, and use wisdom and perseverance to overcome them. Only in this way can we continuously promote social progress and make human society even better.


1. 进步 (jìn bù) - progress, advancement

2. 主旋律 (zhǔ xuán lǜ) - main theme, main melody

3. 改变 (gǎi biàn) - to change, to alter

4. 转变 (zhuǎn biàn) - transformation, change

5. 体现 (tǐ xiàn) - to embody, to reflect

6. 便利 (biàn lì) - convenient, handy

7. 舒适 (shū shì) - comfortable, cozy

8. 水平 (shuǐ píng) - level, standard

9. 公平 (gōng píng) - fair, equitable

10. 正义 (zhèng yì) - justice, righteousness

11. 丰富 (fēng fù) - abundant, plentiful

12. 好奇心 (hào qí xīn) - curiosity

13. 创造力 (chuàng zào lì) - creativity

14. 探索 (tàn suǒ) - to explore

15. 奋斗 (fèn dòu) - to struggle, to strive

16. 付出 (fù chū) - to contribute, to invest

17. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) - smooth sailing

18. 困难 (kùn nán) - difficulty, obstacle

19. 挑战 (tiào zhàn) - challenge

20. 宝贵 (bǎo guì) - precious, invaluable

21. 正视 (zhèng shì) - to face, to confront

22. 毅力 (yì lì) - perseverance, determination

23. 推进 (tuī jìn) - to advance, to promote

24. 美好 (měi hǎo) - beautiful, wonderful

上一个 essay "结果(outcome)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "发展(develop)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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