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essay "下午(Afternoon)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 11:17:56









English Translation:

The afternoon (下午) is a time of day when the sun is high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling city. As the morning rush subsides, a sense of tranquility settles in, and the pace of life slows down. This is a period that holds a unique charm and significance in many cultures.

During the afternoon, the world seems to take a collective breath, a moment of respite from the constant demands of the day. People step away from their desks, leave their workplaces, and embrace the gentle embrace of the afternoon sun. This transition from the hectic morning to the more relaxed afternoon is often accompanied by a sense of relief and rejuvenation.

One of the most striking features of the afternoon is the way it encourages a more leisurely approach to life. During this time, people may indulge in a leisurely stroll, savor a cup of tea or coffee, or simply sit and observe the world around them. This unhurried pace allows for a deeper connection with one's surroundings, a chance to appreciate the small moments that often get lost in the rush of daily life.

Moreover, the afternoon is a time when many cultures celebrate the art of gathering and socializing. In some parts of the world, the afternoon is marked by the tradition of the siesta, a mid-day break where people retreat to their homes or gather with friends and family for a shared meal and conversation. This shared experience fosters a sense of community and strengthens the bonds between individuals.

The afternoon also holds a special significance in the realm of creativity and contemplation. Many artists, writers, and thinkers find that the quieter, more reflective nature of the afternoon is conducive to their work. It is during this time that they may engage in deep introspection, allowing their minds to wander and their ideas to take shape.

As the sun begins to dip towards the horizon, the afternoon slowly transitions into the evening, ushering in a new phase of the day. But the memories and experiences of the afternoon linger, serving as a reminder of the importance of slowing down, savoring the present, and embracing the simple pleasures that life has to offer.


1. Afternoon (下午) - the period of the day between noon and evening

2. Glow (发出光泽) - a soft, warm light

3. Bustling (喧闹的) - full of activity and movement

4. Subsides (减弱) - to become less intense or severe

5. Tranquility (宁静) - a state of peace and calm

6. Pace (步伐) - the speed at which something happens or is done

7. Charm (魅力) - a pleasant or appealing quality

8. Significance (重要性) - the quality of being important or meaningful

9. Respite (休息) - a short period of rest or relief from something

10. Demands (要求) - a strong need or desire for something

11. Rejuvenation (恢复活力) - the process of making someone or something look or feel better, younger, or more vital

12. Leisurely (悠闲的) - relaxed and unhurried

13. Indulge (沉浸于) - to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

14. Savor (细细品味) - to enjoy or appreciate (something) completely

15. Observe (观察) - to watch carefully and attentively

16. Surroundings (环境) - the physical and social conditions in which a person lives or operates

17. Appreciate (欣赏) - to recognize the full worth of

18. Siesta (午睡) - a short sleep or rest taken in the afternoon

19. Gather (聚集) - to come together in one place

20. Socializing (社交) - the act of mixing socially with others

21. Fosters (培养) - to encourage the development of

22. Bonds (纽带) - a close connection linking two or more people

23. Contemplation (沉思) - the act of deeply considering something

24. Conducive (有利于) - making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible

25. Introspection (内省) - the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes

26. Wander (游荡) - to move or go in a leisurely, directionless way

27. Linger (徘徊) - to remain or stay in a place or with a person longer than necessary

28. Embrace (拥抱) - to accept or support (something) readily or gladly

29. Transition (转变) - the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another

30. Ushering in (引入) - to lead or usher (someone or something) into a place or situation

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