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时间: 2024-09-20 11:14:54


1. The regenerative medicine field is making great strides in tissue engineering and organ regeneration. (再生医学领域在组织工程和器官再生方面取得了巨大进展。)

2. The regenerative braking system in the electric car helps to recharge the battery while slowing down the vehicle. (电动车的再生制动系统在减速时有助于给电池充电。)

3. Some animals, like starfish, have regenerative abilities that allow them to grow back lost limbs. (一些动物,如海星,具有再生能力,可以让它们重新长出失去的肢体。)

4. The regenerative agriculture practices aim to restore and improve the health of the soil. (再生农业实践旨在恢复和改善土壤的健康。)

5. The regenerative process of skin cells helps wounds to heal and regenerate new tissue. (皮肤细胞的再生过程有助于伤口愈合并再生新的组织。)

6. The company is investing in regenerative energy sources such as solar and wind power. (该公司正在投资再生能源,如太阳能和风能。)

7. The regenerative therapy showed promising results in promoting the regeneration of damaged nerve cells. (再生疗法显示出有希望的结果,可以促进受损神经细胞的再生。)

8. The regenerative capacity of certain plants allows them to survive in harsh environments. (某些植物的再生能力使它们能够在恶劣的环境中生存。)

9. The regenerative properties of stem cells hold potential for treating a variety of medical conditions. (干细胞的再生特性具有治疗各种医疗状况的潜力。)

10. The regenerative process of forests after a wildfire is a testament to the resilience of nature. (森林在野火后的再生过程证明了自然的韧性。)

11. The regenerative capacity of the liver allows it to repair and regenerate damaged tissue. (肝脏的再生能力使其能够修复和再生受损组织。)

12. Regenerative medicine holds promise for treating degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. (再生医学有望用于治疗阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病等退行性疾病。)

13. The regenerative properties of certain plants have been harnessed for natural medicine and skincare products. (某些植物的再生特性已被利用于天然药物和护肤产品中。)

14. The regenerative potential of the human body is a subject of ongoing research and exploration. (人体的再生潜力是一个持续研究和探索的课题。)

15. Regenerative agriculture focuses on restoring soil health and promoting biodiversity through sustainable farming practices. (再生农业专注于通过可持续的耕作实践恢复土壤健康并促进生物多样性。)

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