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时间: 2024-09-20 13:20:24


1. The audience erupted into applause as the final curtain fell.


2. The speaker received a round of applause for his inspiring speech.


3. The band's performance was so incredible that it earned them a standing ovation and thunderous applause.


4. The students gave their teacher a round of applause to show their appreciation for her hard work.


5. The audience's applause was deafening as the singer finished her final song.


6. The actor bowed in response to the applause from the audience.


7. The standing ovation and thunderous applause lasted for several minutes after the orchestra's performance.


8. The announcement of the winner was met with enthusiastic applause from the crowd.


9. The children's choir received a well-deserved round of applause for their beautiful performance.


10. The applause from the audience was a testament to the success of the play.


11. The speaker paused to acknowledge the applause before continuing with his speech.


12. The concert ended with thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd.


13. The team's hard work was rewarded with a standing ovation and enthusiastic applause from the fans.


14. The actor's moving performance earned her a standing ovation and prolonged applause.


15. The applause for the soloist's performance was well-deserved.


16. The audience's applause filled the concert hall after the orchestra's stunning performance.


17. The award winner was greeted with a thunderous round of applause as she took the stage.


18. The speaker's heartfelt words were met with resounding applause from the audience.


19. The audience rose to their feet in a standing ovation, showering the performers with applause.


20. The room filled with applause as the guest of honor entered the event.


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