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时间: 2024-09-20 21:07:39


1. I need to restore my old bicycle so I can start riding it again.(我需要把我的旧自行车修复好,这样我就可以再骑它了。)

2. The company is working to restore its reputation after the scandal.(公司正在努力恢复声誉,以弥补丑闻造成的损失。)

3. After the hurricane, the community came together to restore the damaged buildings.(飓风过后,社区团结一心,修复受损的建筑。)

4. The antique furniture was carefully restored to its original beauty.(古董家具经过精心修复,恢复了原有的美丽。)

5. The new government promised to restore order and stability to the country.(新政府承诺恢复国家的秩序和稳定。)

6. The restorative power of nature helped the hiker recover from the stress of city life.(大自然的恢复力帮助这名徒步旅行者从城市生活的压力中恢复过来。)

7. The artist used a special technique to restore the faded colors in the painting.(艺术家采用特殊技术恢复了画作中褪色的颜色。)

8. The aim of the project is to restore the wetlands and protect the local wildlife.(该项目的目标是恢复湿地并保护当地的野生动物。)

9. The old theater was restored to its former glory and reopened to the public.(这座老剧院经过修复,重新展现往日的辉煌,并对公众开放。)

10. The therapist used meditation to help the patient restore a sense of inner peace.(治疗师利用冥想帮助患者恢复内心的平静感。)

11. The historic documents were carefully restored to preserve their integrity.(这些历史文件经过精心修复,以保护它们的完整性。)

12. The team is working hard to restore the old library to its former grandeur.(团队正在努力将这座旧图书馆恢复到往日的壮丽。)

13. The doctor recommended plenty of rest to help restore the patient's energy levels.(医生建议患者多休息,以帮助恢复体力。)

14. The mechanic was able to restore the classic car to perfect working condition.(这位技师成功地将这辆经典汽车修复到了完美的工作状态。)

15. The goal of the rehabilitation program is to help restore mobility and function to the injured limb.(康复计划的目标是帮助受伤的肢体恢复活动能力和功能。)

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