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时间: 2024-09-20 08:24:27


1. The room was filled with sunlight, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. (房间里充满了阳光,营造出温馨而诱人的氛围。)

2. She decorated her room with colorful posters and fairy lights. (她用五彩缤纷的海报和仙女灯装饰了她的房间。)

3. The hotel room had a beautiful view of the city skyline. (酒店房间可以欣赏到美丽的城市天际线景色。)

4. We had a meeting in the conference room at 10 o'clock. (我们在十点钟在会议室开会。)

5. The doctor asked the patient to wait in the waiting room. (医生让病人在候诊室等候。)

6. The dining room was elegantly set up for the formal dinner. (餐厅为正式晚餐摆设得优雅而精致。)

7. There was a musty smell in the old, abandoned room. (那个古老的废弃房间里有一股发霉的气味。)

8. The hotel room had all the amenities we needed for a comfortable stay. (酒店房间里有我们需要的一切设施,让我们舒适地入住。)

9. She found her cat hiding under the bed in her room. (她发现她的猫躲在她房间的床底下。)

10. The living room was the heart of the house, where the family gathered to relax and spend time together. (客厅是房子的中心,家人们在那里聚在一起放松和共度时光。)

11. The hotel room had a spacious bathroom with a luxurious bathtub. (酒店房间里有一间宽敞的浴室,配备了豪华的浴缸。)

12. The students were asked to keep the classroom tidy and organized. (要求学生们保持教室整洁有序。)

13. The children played games in the playroom, laughing and having a great time. (孩子们在游戏室里玩游戏,笑声不断,玩得很开心。)

14. The emergency room at the hospital was bustling with activity. (医院的急诊室一片繁忙。)

15. She closed the door to her room, seeking some quiet time alone. (她关上了房门,希望能独自享受一些安静的时光。)

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