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时间: 2024-09-20 12:57:55


1. The roots of the tree reached deep into the ground.(树的根深深地扎根于地下。)

2. She traced her family roots back to the 18th century.(她追溯到18世纪才找到了她家族的根源。)

3. The team tried to get to the root of the problem.(团队试图找出问题的根源。)

4. Carrots and radishes are root vegetables.(胡萝卜和萝卜都是根茎类蔬菜。)

5. The company has its roots in a small garage.(这家公司起源于一个小车库。)

6. The roots of the word can be traced to Latin.(这个词的词根可以追溯到拉丁文。)

7. He always stays true to his roots.(他始终忠于自己的根基。)

8. The roots of the conflict can be found in historical tensions.(冲突的根源可以追溯到历史上的紧张局势。)

9. The roots of the plant were tangled and difficult to untangle.(植物的根系纠缠在一起,难以拆开。)

10. She dyed her hair to cover up her gray roots.(她染发以掩盖她的白发根部。)

11. The company has deep roots in the local community.(这家公司在当地社区有着深厚的根基。)

12. It's important to understand the cultural roots of a tradition.(理解传统的文化根源是很重要的。)

13. The teacher encouraged the students to explore their creative roots.(老师鼓励学生探索他们的创造性根源。)

14. The roots of the music genre can be found in African rhythms.(这种音乐流派的根源可以追溯到非洲的节奏。)

15. The therapy aims to address the emotional roots of the trauma.(这种疗法旨在解决创伤的情感根源。)

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