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时间: 2024-09-20 09:10:34


1. I will attend the meeting tomorrow. 我明天会参加会议。

2. She always attends church on Sundays. 她总是在周日去教堂。

3. The students are required to attend all classes. 学生必须参加所有课程。

4. I can't attend the party because I have to work. 我不能参加派对,因为我要工作。

5. Will you attend the wedding with me? 你愿意和我一起参加婚礼吗?

6. He is attending a conference in Paris next week. 他下周要去巴黎参加一个会议。

7. The company CEO will attend the event. 公司的CEO会出席这个活动。

8. She always attends to her responsibilities diligently. 她总是认真履行她的责任。

9. I plan to attend the concert with my friends. 我打算和朋友一起去听音乐会。

10. It's important to attend to your health. 关注你的健康很重要。

11. The doctor will attend to you shortly. 医生会很快来照顾你。

12. I have to attend to some urgent matters first. 我必须先处理一些紧急的事情。

13. She always attends to the needs of her family. 她总是关心家人的需求。

14. The nurse will attend to the patient's wound. 护士会处理病人的伤口。

15. The maid will attend to the guests' needs. 女佣会照顾客人的需求。

16. I need to attend to my work before I can go out. 我需要先处理我的工作,然后再出去。

17. The mechanic will attend to your car in a moment. 修理工会马上处理你的车。

18. I can't attend the meeting because I have a prior commitment. 我不能参加会议,因为我有其他安排。

19. The teacher will attend to each student's questions individually. 老师会分别回答每个学生的问题。

20. He always attends to his appearance before going out. 他总是在外出前注意自己的外表。

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