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时间: 2024-09-20 08:47:04


1. The ruthless dictator showed no mercy to those who opposed him. (这个无情的独裁者对那些反对他的人毫不留情。)

2. The ruthless businessman would do anything to achieve his goals, regardless of who got hurt. (这个无情的商人为了达到目标不择手段,不顾伤害他人。)

3. The ruthless competition in the industry led to many small businesses closing down. (行业内的无情竞争导致许多小企业倒闭。)

4. The ruthless treatment of the prisoners in the camp shocked the international community. (对待囚犯的无情行为震惊了国际社会。)

5. The ruthless efficiency of the team ensured they met their targets ahead of schedule. (团队的无情效率确保他们提前完成了目标。)

6. His ruthless ambition drove him to betray even his closest friends. (他无情的野心驱使他背叛了甚至是最亲近的朋友。)

7. The ruthless exploitation of natural resources has led to irreversible environmental damage. (对自然资源的无情开发导致了不可逆转的环境破坏。)

8. The ruthless assassin had a reputation for always completing his missions without hesitation. (那个无情的刺客以毫不犹豫地完成任务而闻名。)

9. The ruthless interrogation tactics used by the police raised concerns about human rights abuses. (警方使用的无情审讯手段引发了对人权侵犯的担忧。)

10. The ruthless efficiency of the new production process resulted in the loss of many jobs. (新生产流程的无情效率导致了许多工作的流失。)

11. She adopted a ruthless approach to her diet, cutting out all indulgences and sticking strictly to her meal plan. (她对待饮食采取了无情的方式,剔除了所有的放纵,严格按照餐饮计划执行。)

12. The ruthless landlord evicted the tenants without any warning. (无情的房东毫无警告地驱逐了租户。)

13. The ruthless warlord ruled with an iron fist, crushing any opposition with brutal force. (无情的军阀用铁腕统治着,用残暴的武力镇压一切反对声音。)

14. The ruthless nature of the corporate world often leaves little room for compassion or empathy. (商界的无情本质往往留下了很少的同情心或共鸣空间。)

15. The ruthless pursuit of power by the political leader led to widespread corruption and abuse of authority. (政治领袖对权力的无情追求导致了普遍的腐败和滥用职权。)

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