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时间: 2024-09-20 09:03:27


1. She looked sad when she heard the news about her friend's accident. 她听到朋友出事的消息时显得很难过。

2. It's always sad to see a pet pass away. 看到宠物离世总是令人悲伤的。

3. The movie had a sad ending that left everyone in tears. 这部电影结局悲伤,让所有人都流泪。

4. He had a sad expression on his face as he talked about his lost childhood. 当他谈到失去的童年时,脸上露出了悲伤的表情。

5. The old man's lonely and sad life touched everyone's heart. 老人孤独悲伤的生活触动了每个人的心。

6. After the breakup, she felt sad and lost. 分手后,她感到悲伤和迷茫。

7. The sad music brought back memories of a painful past. 悲伤的音乐勾起了痛苦的回忆。

8. The news of the natural disaster left the whole community feeling sad and helpless. 自然灾害的消息让整个社区感到悲伤和无助。

9. She wrote a sad poem about unrequited love. 她写了一首关于单恋的悲伤诗。

10. The sight of the abandoned puppy made her feel sad and compassionate. 看到被遗弃的小狗让她感到悲伤和同情。

11. His sad eyes revealed the pain he was trying to hide. 他悲伤的眼神透露出他试图隐藏的痛苦。

12. The empty house felt hauntingly sad after the family moved out. 家人搬走后,空荡荡的房子让人感到阴森悲伤。

13. The sad news of her illness spread quickly through the neighborhood. 她生病的消息很快在邻里间传开,令人感到悲伤。

14. Despite her efforts to hide it, her voice sounded sad and weary. 尽管她努力掩饰,她的声音听起来悲伤而疲惫。

15. The sad truth is that not everyone gets a happy ending. 令人悲伤的事实是,并非每个人都能有一个幸福的结局。

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