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时间: 2024-09-20 15:59:48


1. She bore a scar on her cheek from a childhood accident.(她脸颊上有一道童年事故留下的伤疤。)

2. The old soldier had a scar across his forehead from battle.(那位老兵额头上有一道战斗留下的伤疤。)

3. The scar on his arm reminded him of the accident every time he looked at it.(他手臂上的伤疤每次看到都会让他想起那次事故。)

4. She covered the scar with makeup to hide it from sight.(她用化妆品遮盖伤疤,不让人看到。)

5. The emotional scar from the breakup took a long time to heal.(分手留下的心理创伤需要很长时间才能愈合。)

6. The scar on the tree trunk showed where it had been struck by lightning.(树干上的伤疤显示了它曾被闪电击中的地方。)

7. His scarred hands told the story of years of hard manual labor.(他满是伤疤的手讲述了多年的辛苦体力劳动。)

8. The scar on the car door revealed the previous owner's careless parking.(车门上的伤疤透露了上一个车主不慎停车的痕迹。)

9. The scar on the mountain was evidence of the ancient landslide.(山上的伤疤是古老山体滑坡的证据。)

10. The emotional scar left by the traumatic event haunted her for years.(创伤事件留下的心理创伤困扰着她多年。)

11. He had a scar on his knee from falling off his bike as a child.(他膝盖上有一道童年摔车留下的伤疤。)

12. The scar on the building's facade was a reminder of the war that had ravaged the city.(建筑外墙上的伤疤是对城市遭受的战争的提醒。)

13. The emotional scar from the abusive relationship affected her ability to trust others.(虐待关系留下的心理创伤影响了她对他人的信任能力。)

14. The scarred landscape bore witness to the destructive power of the natural disaster.(满是伤疤的景观见证了自然灾害的破坏力。)

15. The scar on the animal's hide indicated a previous encounter with a predator.(动物皮毛上的伤疤表明它曾经遭遇过捕食者。)

上一个 【英语】scapegoat的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】scarcity的例句




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