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时间: 2024-09-20 11:08:46


1. This is my second attempt at solving the puzzle. (这是我第二次尝试解决这个谜题。)

2. She will be arriving in the second half of the meeting. (她将在会议的下半场到达。)

3. The second book in the series was even better than the first. (这系列的第二本书甚至比第一本更好。)

4. He finished in second place in the race. (他在比赛中获得第二名。)

5. I need a second opinion before making a decision. (在做决定之前,我需要再听一个意见。)

6. The second chapter of the book was particularly interesting. (这本书的第二章非常有趣。)

7. This is the second time I've had to remind you about this. (这是我第二次提醒你这件事。)

8. The second course of the meal was a delicious soup. (餐后的第二道菜是一碗美味的汤。)

9. She spoke second in the debate. (她在辩论中第二个发言。)

10. The second movie in the series was a disappointment. (这个系列的第二部电影令人失望。)

11. He will be the second person to speak at the conference. (他将是会议上第二个发言的人。)

12. The second floor of the building is where the offices are located. (建筑物的第二层是办公室所在地。)

13. I'll need a second to gather my thoughts before I respond. (在回答之前,我需要一点时间整理一下思绪。)

14. The second row of seats has a better view of the stage. (第二排座位可以更好地看到舞台。)

15. The second verse of the song is my favorite. (这首歌的第二段是我最喜欢的部分。)

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