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时间: 2024-09-20 09:12:01


1. The analysis of the data revealed some interesting trends.


2. The company conducted a thorough analysis of the market before launching their new product.


3. The analysis of the crime scene pointed to multiple suspects.


4. The financial analysis showed that the company was in a stable position.


5. The analysis of the painting revealed hidden symbols and meanings.


6. The analysis of the test results indicated a need for further investigation.


7. The analysis of the situation led to a new approach to problem-solving.


8. The analysis of the data highlighted the need for better communication within the team.


9. The analysis of the market trends suggested a shift in consumer preferences.


10. The analysis of the film's narrative structure revealed its underlying themes.


11. 他进行了深入的分析,以确定最佳的解决方案。

(He conducted a thorough analysis to determine the best solution.)

12. 这份报告提供了对市场趋势的详细分析。

(The report provided a detailed analysis of the market trends.)

13. 他们进行了对公司绩效的分析,并提出了改进建议。

(They conducted an analysis of the company's performance and made improvement suggestions.)

14. 这本书对社会问题进行了深入的分析。

(The book offered an in-depth analysis of social issues.)

15. 通过对数据的分析,我们可以更好地了解客户的需求。

(Through data analysis, we can better understand the needs of our customers.)

16. 专家们对环境影响进行了详尽的分析。

(Experts conducted a detailed analysis of the environmental impact.)

17. 这项研究的分析揭示了一些新的发现。

(The analysis of this study revealed some new findings.)

18. 他们进行了对竞争对手的市场策略的分析。

(They conducted an analysis of the market strategies of their competitors.)

19. 对这个问题的分析需要更多的时间和资源。

(The analysis of this issue requires more time and resources.)

20. 通过对文本的分析,我们可以理解作者的意图。

(Through the analysis of the text, we can understand the author's intent.)

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